The Impact

Michael impacted people with his wisdom, caring heart, and infectious laugh paired with his one-of-a-kind sense of humor. He was intentional about everything he did and there was no problem he couldn’t fix. He was a life-long learner who was beyond inquisitive.

Michael impacted more than just the people in his inner circles of influence. I’ll never forget, when Michael had an opportunity to move into a role at AT&T’s headquarters, he got into his car and drove from Seattle to Dallas in one day. His boss was flabbergasted when he showed up at his desk the very next day. This long drive showed just how driven he was, no pun intended.

From this moment on, Michael thrived on the discussion of diverse ideas and took the career path of technology and innovation by storm. Michael eventually moved into a director leadership position where he lead team college hires. He then built high-performing, diverse technology teams, one team in particular that he aptly named “Carbon” (the element with the strongest connective bonds—referring to the strong relationship bonds of the team members with each other.)

During the “Carbon” team’s time at AT&T, the team developed a reputation for coming up with creative solutions and bringing them to life in a fraction of the time typical for similar projects.

Speaking of projects, the Carbon Team supported our nation's heroes in the greatest way possible, by creating the code and automating the process that fixed the technical configuration of their cell phone service, so first responders can be reached on days of disaster like 9/11 and many others. They called it the “First Net” network and to this day first responders get priority service and never lose their connection in the midst of an emergency. With a touch of a button, the issues were fixed and Michael and his team accomplished it in a matter of weeks.

Some people accomplish something great and ride off into the sunset, but not Michael. He kept his foot on the gas and as his reputation rose so did his opportunities. The CEO of Microsoft and the CEO of AT&T’s met together to discuss how they could partner on making a positive impact on our communities. As fate would have it, Michael’s name was nominated for the job and presentation.

The goal was to create an app that allows people to identify a homeless need and send teams out with blankets, food, and resources for those in need. Homeless people can use the app to identify on a map non-profits nearby that offer resources for drug addiction, sexual abuse, and domestic violence.

Michael led his team to completely re-design and launch a mobile app supporting the homeless in partnership with a faith-based non-profit named Our Calling.

If you open up your phone, go to the App Store, and search “homeless” you will see the Our Calling app is the #1 homelessness support app on the market. MJ not only improved the experience of the app, but he was the key person to that app expanding its reach nationwide beyond Dallas...Pastor Wayne who founded Our Calling shared that in March of this year, 140,000 people identified a need using the app— EVERYDAY.

There’s a Bible Verse in Proverbs that says “The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life and a wise person captivates people.” Michael’s work and character were a reflection of this verse. Michael went on to create more tech for good-deed projects and his ultimate goal for Carbon was to turn the team into AT&Ts tech-for-good engine, and he did everything in his power to achieve that.

The “Carbon” team members all have since been successful in getting positions at top companies such as Apple, Microsoft, and Twitter. To this day, many of them credit all their success to Michael and continue positively influencing the world as a part of his life’s legacy.

Michael was in the process of partnering with Our Calling to become the CEO of a startup to white-label and expand the app’s reach nationwide. A vision that was cut short on August 13th when he was driving home to see me. Unbeknownst to him, a drunk driver was foolishly driving in the opposite direction and struck him. It happened suddenly and Michael passed away instantly.

Michael & Wendy's Story

Michael and Wendy first met in Labor Day Weekend. September 3rd, 2011, Dallas.

They got married in August 26th, 2016.

"It has been nearly 11 years since we first met, and I look back at those years with so much happiness.

My husband Michael was such a wonderful man. I'm not sure if I can really express just how much I will miss him. Not only was he a wonderful husband, but a wonderful son, brother, friend, peer and so much more.

My husband's example has always been an important guidepost for me – a standard of what a person should be like. It's hard to imagine life without his guidance, his wisdom, and his strength. Michael had an ability to make everyone feel comfortable, secure and loved."

The Legacy

Despite his life being cut short, his influence on the lives of many is felt to this day. He touched so many people and the love and adoration he’s received since his passing is a testament to that truth. He deeply cared about every human he came in contact with. His generosity has been life-giving and he never let his left hand know what his right hand was doing. Majority of the time he did things and never talked about them, it was only after his passing that hundreds of people have come forward to share stories and memories about how he impacted, helped, and even saved lives.

October 25th, 2023 marked the inaugural award ceremony for the MJ Award, an honor established by Michael’s beloved workplace organized by AT&T, which Wendy serves on the Board. This award is a testament to his unwavering dedication, tremendous contributions and the lasting impression he left on the industry he loved so deeply.


While the tragedy could have been avoided using the toll authority’s vast network of cameras and detection devices already in place; the current justice system protects tollways from any accountability and incentive to improve their systems because of “sovereign immunity”—a concept created to protect government agencies and taxpayers by shielding them from being sued; but in this case, that protection has been extended to a private tollway entity.

Currently, the “Carbon” team and Wendy, Michael's wife,  are working together to develop technology that would prevent wrong-way driver accidents in the future, and hope to pilot the technology to save countless future lives from similar tragedies.

Michael was a leader’s leader, a mentor to many, and a friend to people from all walks of life. Michael leaves a legacy of love and integrity with his family, friends, and those who knew him. He has left me with memories I will forever cherish as will his mom, his sibling, and all his friends. Michael set an exemplary example as husband, son, and brother. He was spiritually strong and compassionate, he loved and cherished his family and friends more than anything.

News & Media

Cameron Dole Interview - Wendy Jackson discusses "Michael Alerts" - alerting motorists of wrong-way drivers

In this interview , we visit with Wendy Jackson, widow of Michael - who was killed by a wrong way driver in Texas. Wendy has been working to bring awareness of the technology that exists to alert motorists of such dangers, especially in larger cities. We discuss key points in making this life-saving technology available - understanding, legal hoops, and the costs associated with implementation. Learn how you can help make this a reality, and possibly save the lives of someone close to you!

Could your phone help save you from a wrong-way driver?

Wrong-way drivers have caused fatal car crashes in Texas, killing 650 and injuring 800 people in just 10 years. However, new technologies are being developed to warn drivers before impact, including one created by family and friends of a victim in Collin County. NBC 5’s Senior Investigative reporter Scott Friedman has the emerging solutions.

Preventing wrong-way traffic deaths

NBC Nightly News with Lester Holt.
May 2, 2024

Hispana que sufre la muerte de su esposo propone una alerta sin precedentes para salvar a conductores

Wendy Jackson, tras la pérdida de su esposo en un accidente causado por un conductor ebrio en sentido contrario, lidera una campaña para implementar alertas inmediatas en las carreteras de Texas. Están presionando para que estas alertas se envíen directamente a los teléfonos de los conductores.

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